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Ministry Workshops

All participants who register for the entire conference will attend each workshop offered.  Those who attend only one day will take the workshops offered for that day based on their group, i.e., women, directors, youth etc.  The workshops for the children will be specific to their age group. 

ACTIVATE THE SHIFT​: Shifting the Atmosphere ‘til His glory fills the temple

In the beauty of holiness, God raises a standard against the enemy, signifying miracles, signs and wonders. As we worship under this open heaven, we ACTIVATE the shift for the Shekinah Glory to fill the temple and God’s presence to be revealed.

ACTIVATE THE ANOINTING:  Dancing into higher dimensions 

Out of our bellies flows movement that will heal, deliver and set the captives free.  We have to ACTIVATE the anointing within ourselves and each other to move from our mountaintop experiences to even higher dimensions. God has spoken; we cannot stay here! Dancers, we have a charge to keep; we have dances to preach! It’s time to ACTIVATE, NOW!



ACTIVATE HEALING:  Liturgical dance therapy 

We must move past being emotional responders to becoming spiritually led.  Liturgical dance therapy offers an outlet to release your spiritual distress, restore you hope, renew your spirit and revive your soul.

ACTIVATE CHANGE:  The spiritual discipline of dance 

Dance allows our bodies to express what our hearts want to articulate.  God looks at the heart of the worshipper, but we must also communicate with our bodies in a manner that is clear and untainted.  When our movement integrity (technique) is aligned with the passion in our hearts, we can articulate movement that will ACTIVATE change in the community and the congregation.

ACTIVATE WORSHIP:  Intentional Choreography that evokes the presence of God 

God is the Lord of the Dance and our Divine Choreographer.  Our choreography should align with the needs of the house and the congregation.  When our movement is prayerful and intentional it will evoke the presence of God and ACTIVATE an atmosphere of uninhibited worship.


ACTIVATE TRANSFORMATION:  Breaking traditions and serving the present age through dance

We have been around this mountain long enough.  Transformation requires us to break traditions and embrace change.  No more staying in our comfort zones with safe movement and ministry.  Break out! Break the chains that have you bound!  Be released in the freedom of the dance and ACTIVATE TRANSFORMATION for new life in your dance ministry!

ACTIVATE FAITH:  Restoring communities through dance

The Spirit of the Lord is upon us to minister dances that comfort, heal and set the captives free.  We must ACTIVATE our faith to bring hope to the hopeless, to speak life to the lost and to restore the brokenness in our communities.

ACTIVATE DELIVERANCE:  Delivered Once and For All 

It’s time to move from mourning to dancing.  You have been dancing around this mountain far too long.  God has something far greater to birth in you, but you have to dance from where you are into his promises.  Dance with all your might to ACTIVATE the power of deliverance until your breakthrough is released.

ACTIVATE THE POWER:  Levites standing on the front lines for God 

We have been called to the front lines.  Therefore, we can’t stand on the sidelines and expect to see changes in the Kingdom.  We have to move now to break strongholds through our movement, to demolish the plans of the enemy and ACTIVATE the plans and power of God in full force.

ACTIVATE THE VISION :  The journey of leadership

Without a vision the people perish.  Without a leader with insight and vision your ministry will dance into the wilderness, spinning in endless circles.  It is important to know you are not on this journey alone.  Connect with other leaders and with our panel of facilitators to ACTIVATE the vision God has spoken over your ministry and to the gain strength to endure this weighty assignment.

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